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Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose manual Osteopathy?
It is a gentle form of treatment in which the practitioner treats the human body as a whole and integrated system. The manual osteopath uses a gentle hands-on approach that involves a layer-by- layer assessment of the quality, motion and characteristics of the body’s anatomy and biodynamics. Guided by osteopathic principles and theory, anatomy and physiology, the practitioner will aim to get to the root cause of the dysfunction. The ultimate goal is to be able to make a real difference in the health and vitality of every person treated.
What kinds of conditions can Osteopathy help with?

Osteopathy can help with many conditions. Improvement has been seen in:
asthma, hypertension, migraine headaches, Bell’s Palsy, acid reflux, seizure disorders, ADHD, insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, Post-Concussion Syndrome, back and neck pain. These are only a few of the
conditions Osteopathic Practitioners see and treat on a daily basis. A more
extensive list can be found  here.

What can I expect from my first appointment?

Prior to your first appointment, a medical history (link to menu here) form has to be completed.

At your first visit we will take a complete review of your issue(s). We discuss the reason(s) you’ve come in, thoroughly go over your medical history and answer
any questions you may have.

After talking about your aches, pains and complaints, some assessment will be needed to determine the course of the approach to get you better.
The session is then going to end with an initial treatment.

Does OHIP cover osteopathic treatment?

No, osteopathic treatment is currently not covered by OHIP. However, many
extended health care plans do cover it. Be sure to look into your coverage to see if this applies to you.

Will my extended healthcare cover osteopathic treatment?

Some insurance companies do offer osteopathic coverage, but it depends on your plan.
Upon payment, a receipt will be issued to you that can then be submitted to your insurance.

Do I need a referral from my doctor?

No referral is necessary. Should anything arise in an initial intake session or subsequent follow up that is of medical concern to me, I will ask that you check in with your doctor before administering further treatment.

What should I wear to my appointment?

Wear whatever you feel most comfortable in as treatment is delivered fully clothed. Simply make sure that your clothes are non restricting, to facilitate ease of movement during the session, i.e. shorts, sweat / yoga pants or leggings and a t-shirt / undershirt. Please avoid tight jeans or skirts/dresses.
You will be taking your shoes off. Please ensure that you are wearing socks or
stockings, or plan to bring a pair of socks with you.

How do I prepare for an Osteopathic treatment?

If applicable, please being results from MRI, CT, X-ray or other medical reports. If you have notes from referring caregivers (physician, physiotherapist,
chiropractor, athletic therapist, OT, etc.) please bring those as well.

Does treatment hurt?

Assessment and treatment is very gentle and should be pain free. Prepare to be surprised at how subtle it might feel, while being effective in easing discomfort and having you feeling better than when you came in.

How quickly will I recover with Osteopathic treatment?

This is difficult to predict as it depends on the presenting complaint, its severity, duration and complications. We, as living human beings, are far too complex organisms for a “one shoe fits all” answer to the question. You might suffer from the same condition as someone else, but respond totally different to treatment. However, this being said, many people begin to notice results after one or two treatments while others may take longer. Each individual’s journey is unique.

How frequently do I need to be treated?

This again is evaluated on an individual basis, depending upon the condition, the age of the patient and the depth of the treatment. It is not uncommon to see a
patient every one to two weeks for a couple of visits and then every four to six weeks as they are improving.

What is the difference between Osteopathy vs. Physiotherapy or Chiropractic?

All three rehabilitative disciplines can be effective in helping to resolve your body aches, pains and injuries. Your physiotherapist, chiropractor and osteopath will all spend time analyzing your movements and utilizing hands-on care to clear restrictions in the body.

What sets osteopathy apart from the others is that the osteopathic practitioner considers the body with all its components (ligaments, tendons, fascia, muscle, bones, viscera, blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves) as one, whole unit.
Osteopathic manual practice aims to find the root cause of your complaint rather than just treating its signs or symptoms.

Will a manual Osteopath crack my back / joints?

Unlike a chiropractor, a manual osteopaths in Canada is legally not allowed to apply HVLA (high velocity low amplitude) techniques to mobilize a joint. He or she uses only gentle mobilization techniques that can indeed result in an audible ‘crack’ or ‘pop’ of a joint, but it’s never the intention.

What does an Osteopathic treatment feel like?

It depends on the type and style of treatment provided; generally people feel a light, gentle pressure that does not create any pain. Most people feel great relaxation and a sense of peace. Some report feeling heat, and various sensations such as tingling, or movement of subtle energy or random pulse-like sensations. Many people report feeling relaxed and peaceful for several days after a treatment. As long as you are not experiencing pain during the treatment, we are less concerned with what you feel during the treatment, and more concerned with the results and how you feel for days and weeks after the treatment.

What is TCM?

Chinese medicine is a holistic system of healthcare that has been practiced for thousands of years. It encompasses various modalities, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary therapy, and qigong, aiming to promote balance and harmony in the body.

Can I combine Western and Chinese medicine treatments?

Yes, it's often possible to integrate Western and Chinese medicine approaches for a comprehensive healthcare strategy. Be sure to communicate with your healthcare providers to coordinate your treatments effectively.

Can Chinese medicine be used for preventative care?

Yes, Chinese medicine can be an excellent preventive measure. By promoting balance and strengthening the body's natural defenses, it can help you maintain optimal health and well- being.

What conditions can Chinese medicine treat?

Chinese medicine can treat a wide array of conditions, including pain, digestive disorders, respiratory issues, emotional imbalances, and more. It is often used for both acute and chronic health concerns.

What happens during a Chinese medicine diagnosis?

Chinese medicine practitioners use various diagnostic methods, including pulse and tongue assessment, to understand the underlying imbalances in your body. This information helps create a tailored treatment plan.

Is Acupuncture / TCM covered by OHIP?

Neither acupuncture nor TCM is currently covered under OHIP.

Is Acupuncture / TCM covered by insurance?

Many private insurance plans or workplace benefits packages offer coverage for certain complementary or alternative therapies, including TCM services. It's a good idea to review your private insurance policy or inquire with your employer's benefits department to determine if TCM services are covered through your private insurance plan.

What conditions can be treated with acupuncture?

Acupuncture can address a wide range of health concerns, falling into two main categories: simple problems (acute) and more complex ones (chronic). Simple problems encompass issues like allergies, colds, stress, and recent injuries. However, complex issues may require additional herbal therapy. At Oaktree, we employ natural, holistic Chinese herbs to support the healing of internal issues.

Do acupuncture needles cause pain?

Many people associate acupuncture needles with pain, but these needles are quite thin, similar to a dog’s whisker, making insertion virtually painless. You may experience unique sensations like tingling, heaviness, warmth, or nothing at all once the needle is in place. If you feel discomfort, inform your practitioner for adjustments. It’s important to note that all needles used are sterilized and disposable.

Does acupuncture only provide pain relief or does it treat the root cause?

Acupuncturists focus on addressing the root of the problem, not just relieving symptoms. The goal is to reduce pain and support the body’s self-healing capabilities. Acupuncture utilizes simple, sterile, unaltered filiform needles, without pain-numbing agents, to promote blood and bodily fluid movement and relax tissues and the nervous system.

Why do you check my pulse and tongue during the exam, and what does it reveal?

Evaluating the pulse rate, strength, and quality at the wrist and/or neck helps acupuncturists understand the body’s imbalances. Additionally, the tongue’s shape, color, and coating provide insights into how fluids move (or don’t move) within the body.

How long does an acupuncture treatment last?

Typically, a Chinese acupuncture treatment session lasts 20 to 30 minutes, with variations based on individual needs. Sessions can extend beyond this timeframe as practitioners may integrate other Chinese Medicine elements like Tui Na, Moxa, and Fire Cupping.

How often should I schedule acupuncture sessions?

Your personalized care plan depends on your specific health concerns and objectives. After the initial intake, the practitioner will give you a recommendation based on your specific needs and situation.

How soon can I expect results, and will I need acupuncture indefinitely?

The frequency of treatment varies based on your condition. Short-term issues may require only a few sessions, while chronic concerns might necessitate a maintenance schedule to ensure long-term well being. Acupuncture is also an effective preventive measure, enhancing blood flow and immune system response.

Do you use the same acupuncture points in every session?

Acupuncture point combinations are selected based on your feedback and subtle cues like pulse variations to maximize the effectiveness of each session.

Is it normal to experience sensations during treatment?

Sensations like tingling, warmth, or mild discomfort may occur as the body responds to treatment. These are signs that healing is taking place, and it’s similar to traffic congestion gradually easing on a highway.

Can I still feel the needle hours after the treatment?

Occasionally, a lingering sensation in the treatment area can occur after the needle is removed. This is a normal response to treatment and nothing to be concerned about. Feel free to discuss this with your acupuncturist during your next visit.

What about experiencing twitching sensations during treatment?

Sensations like twitching, lightness, heat, coolness, heaviness, or aching at the treatment site are common and indicate that the acupuncture needles are effectively stimulating your body’s responses. If these sensations do not hinder your comfort, they are normal.

Is it normal to get a bruise from the needle?

Slight bruising may occur occasionally and is the most common side effect. It is not expected after every treatment and is usually a result of a needle being placed near a larger vein. Applying pressure or an icepack can prevent further discoloration.

I felt a really strong sensation during needling. Is that normal?

A brief electric jolt sensation signifies that the correct acupuncture point has been found. While this sensation can be intense, it should subside quickly. If you experience hot, burning, or sharp sensations, inform your practitioner for immediate adjustment. Your comfort during the treatment is a priority, so never hesitate to communicate any discomfort.

What is TCM Fire Cupping?

TCM Fire Cupping is a therapy that involves using glass cups to create suction on the skin’s surface. This suction is generated by briefly introducing a flame into the cup and then placing it on the skin. The cups can be used to treat various health conditions.

How does TCM Fire Cupping work?

The heat and suction created by the cups draw the skin and superficial muscle layer into the cup. This promotes blood circulation, releases muscle tension, and encourages the flow of Qi (energy) in the body. It is believed to help balance the body’s energy and relieve stagnation.

Is TCM Fire Cupping painful?

Most people do not find TCM Fire Cupping painful. The sensation is often described as a tight or pulling feeling when the cups are first applied. However, it should not be overly uncomfortable. If it does become uncomfortable, you should inform your practitioner, and they can adjust the cups accordingly.

What conditions can TCM Fire Cupping treat?

TCM Fire Cupping is commonly used to address conditions like muscle tension, pain, respiratory issues, and stress. It’s also used to promote relaxation and overall well-being. Your TCM practitioner can assess whether it’s appropriate for your specific condition.

Are there different types of cupping techniques?

Yes, there are various cupping techniques, including stationary cupping (cups are left in place), sliding cupping (cups are moved across the skin), and wet cupping (a small incision is made, and a small amount of blood is drawn into the cup). Your practitioner will select the most suitable technique for your needs.

How long does a TCM Fire Cupping session last?

A typical TCM Fire Cupping session can last anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes. The duration may vary based on your condition and the specific technique used during the treatment.

Is TCM Fire Cupping safe?

When performed by a qualified and experienced practitioner, TCM Fire Cupping is considered safe. However, it’s important to go to a licensed professional who follows proper hygiene and safety protocols.

Can anyone receive TCM Fire Cupping treatment?

While TCM Fire Cupping is generally safe, it may not be suitable for everyone. People with certain medical conditions, such as skin infections, severe bleeding disorders, or recent injuries, should consult with a healthcare provider before receiving cupping therapy.

Are there any side effects associated with TCM Fire Cupping?

While TCM Fire Cupping is generally safe, it may not be suitable for everyone. People with certain medical conditions, such as skin infections, severe bleeding disorders, or recent injuries, should consult with a healthcare provider before receiving cupping therapy.

Are there any side effects associated with TCM Fire Cupping?

Common side effects may include temporary marks or discoloration at the cupping sites, which can last a few days. Some people may experience slight soreness, similar to a mild bruise, but this usually subsides quickly.

How many sessions are typically required for noticeable results?

The number of sessions needed varies depending on your condition and goals. Some people experience immediate relief after a single session, while others may require a series of treatments for more chronic issues.

Can I combine TCM Fire Cupping with other TCM therapies, like acupuncture or herbal medicine?

Yes, TCM Fire Cupping can be used in combination with other TCM therapies to create a more comprehensive treatment plan. This combination can be particularly effective for addressing a wide range of health concerns.

Does TCM Fire Cupping leave permanent marks on the skin?

The marks left by TCM Fire Cupping are typically not permanent and fade within a few days to a week. These marks are part of the healing process and are not harmful.

What is moxibustion in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?

Moxibustion is a TCM therapy that involves the burning of dried mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) to stimulate specific acupuncture points on the body. It is used to promote healing and balance in the body.

How does moxibustion work?

Moxibustion stimulates acupuncture points by warming them with the heat generated by burning moxa (dried mugwort). This heat penetrates the skin, invigorating the flow of Qi (vital energy) and blood, and can help address various health issues.

What conditions can moxibustion treat?

Moxibustion can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including pain, digestive disorders, menstrual problems, fertility issues, and even to boost the immune system. It’s particularly effective for conditions related to cold or dampness in the body.

Is moxibustion safe?

Moxibustion is generally safe when administered by a qualified TCM practitioner. It’s essential to follow the practitioner’s instructions to avoid burns or other adverse effects.

Are there different types of moxibustion?

Yes, there are various methods of moxibustion, including direct moxibustion (where moxa is placed directly on the skin), indirect moxibustion (where moxa is held just above the skin), and heat sensitive moxibustion (using a self-extinguishing moxa stick). The choice of method depends on the patient’s condition and the practitioner’s preference.

What does moxibustion feel like?

Moxibustion typically produces a pleasant, warming sensation. Patients often find it comfortable and relaxing. It’s crucial to communicate any discomfort or excessive heat to your practitioner during the session.

How long does a moxibustion session last?

The duration of a moxibustion session varies depending on the specific treatment and the practitioner’s recommendations. Sessions can range from 15 to 30 minutes or longer.

Are there any side effects or precautions with moxibustion?

Moxibustion is generally safe, but it can cause burns if not administered properly. It’s essential to ensure that the moxa is not too close to the skin and that the patient communicates any discomfort. Patients with sensitive skin or certain health conditions should inform their practitioner before treatment.

Can moxibustion be combined with acupuncture or other TCM therapies?

Yes, moxibustion is often used in conjunction with acupuncture and other TCM treatments to enhance their effectiveness. The combination of therapies can offer comprehensive healthcare solutions.

What is Tui Na in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?
Tui Na is a therapeutic form of bodywork rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It involves various massage and manual manipulation techniques to promote the flow of Qi (energy) and address imbalances in the body.
How does Tui Na differ from other types of massage therapy?
Tui Na is distinct from Western-style massage in that it follows TCM principles. It targets specific acupressure points and meridians to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and restore balance.
What conditions can Tui Na treat?

Tui Na can address a wide range of conditions, including musculoskeletal issues, pain management, stress-related disorders, and various internal organ imbalances. It is often used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Is Tui Na painful or uncomfortable?
Tui Na can involve some pressure and manipulation, but it is generally not painful. The practitioner will adjust the intensity based on your comfort level and needs, ensuring a soothing and effective treatment.
How long does a typical Tui Na session last?
The duration of a Tui Na session can vary but typically lasts between 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the practitioner's recommendations and your specific requirements. Oftentimes, Tui Na is part of a treatment plan that also includes other elements of TCM such as acupuncture and cupping.
How often should I receive Tui Na treatments?
The frequency of Tui Na treatments depends on your condition and goals. For acute issues, more frequent sessions may be recommended, while chronic conditions may require ongoing maintenance.
Is Tui Na safe for everyone?

Tui Na is generally safe for most people, including children and the elderly. However, it’s essential to consult with a qualified Tui Na practitioner to ensure the treatment is suitable for your specific health circumstances.

Can Tui Na be used in conjunction with other TCM therapies, like acupuncture or cupping and moxa?

Yes, Tui Na can complement other TCM therapies. Integrating these modalities  can provide a comprehensive approach to addressing health concerns and promoting wellness.

Are there any side effects of Tui Na?
Tui Na is a low-risk therapy with minimal side effects. Some individuals may experience temporary soreness or fatigue after a session, but these effects are usually mild and short-lived.
What is chiropractic treatment?
Chiropractic treatment is a healthcare discipline focused on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders. Chiropractors use manual manipulation techniques to address issues related to the spine and joints.
How does chiropractic care work?
Chiropractors use hands-on adjustments to realign the spine and joints, aiming to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance the body's ability to heal itself. This is based on the belief that proper alignment of the spine is crucial for overall health.
What conditions can chiropractic care treat?
Chiropractic care can be effective for a range of conditions, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, joint problems, sciatica, and more. It is also used for preventive care and to enhance overall well-being.
Is chiropractic care safe?
Chiropractic care is generally safe when performed by a qualified and licensed chiropractor. Chiropractors undergo extensive training to ensure patient safety. They assess individual health conditions to tailor treatments accordingly.
Does chiropractic care involve pain or discomfort?
Chiropractic adjustments can sometimes cause mild discomfort or a popping sound as joints are manipulated. However, these sensations are usually short-lived and can lead to pain relief and improved mobility.
How long does a typical chiropractic session last?
The duration of a chiropractic session can vary but usually lasts between 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the specific needs of the patient and the treatment plan.
How many chiropractic sessions will I need?
The number of sessions required depends on your condition, its severity, and your response to treatment. Chiropractors will recommend a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Can chiropractic care be used alongside other healthcare treatments?
Chiropractic care can often be integrated with other healthcare modalities, including manual osteopathy, physical therapy, acupuncture, and medical treatment. It is encouraged for a patient to received more than just 1 type of treatment as every profession focuses / specializes on 1 area. It's essential to communicate and coordinate with your healthcare providers.
Are there age restrictions for chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care can be provided to individuals of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Chiropractors adapt their techniques to suit the patient's age and specific health needs.
Is chiropractic care effective for more than just back pain?
Chiropractic care is not limited to back pain. It can also be effective for conditions like headaches, joint pain, sciatica, and a range of musculoskeletal issues. Many patients seek chiropractic care for overall wellness.
What can I expect during a chiropractic session?
During a session, the chiropractor will perform an assessment, possibly including X-rays, before delivering manual adjustments. These adjustments typically involve gentle and controlled force applied to specific areas.
Are there potential risks or side effects of chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care is generally low-risk, but some patients may experience mild soreness or temporary discomfort following adjustments. Serious side effects are rare, and chiropractors are trained to minimize risks.
Is chiropractic care covered by OHIP?
Currently, chiropractic care is NOT covered under OHIP.
Is chiropractic care covered by insurance?
Many private insurance plans or workplace benefits packages offer coverage for chiropractic treatments. It's a good idea to review your private insurance policy or inquire with your employer's benefits department to determine if TCM services are covered through your private insurance plan.