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Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose manual Osteopathy?
It is a gentle form of treatment in which the practitioner treats the human body as a whole and integrated system. The manual osteopath uses a gentle hands-on approach that involves a layer-by- layer assessment of the quality, motion and characteristics of the body’s anatomy and biodynamics. Guided by osteopathic principles and theory, anatomy and physiology, the practitioner will aim to get to the root cause of the dysfunction. The ultimate goal is to be able to make a real difference in the health and vitality of every person treated.
What kinds of conditions can Osteopathy help with?

Osteopathy can help with many conditions. Improvement has been seen in:
asthma, hypertension, migraine headaches, Bell’s Palsy, acid reflux, seizure disorders, ADHD, insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, Post-Concussion Syndrome, back and neck pain. These are only a few of the
conditions Osteopathic Practitioners see and treat on a daily basis. A more
extensive list can be found  here.

What can I expect from my first appointment?

Prior to your first appointment, a medical history (send via email) form has to be completed.

At your first visit we will take a complete review of your issue(s). We discuss the reason(s) you’ve come in, thoroughly go over your medical history and answer any questions you may have.

After talking about your aches, pains and complaints, some assessment will be needed to determine the course of the approach to get you better.
The session is then going to end with an initial treatment.

Does OHIP cover osteopathic treatment?

No, osteopathic treatment is currently not covered by OHIP. However, many
extended health care plans do cover it. Be sure to look into your coverage to see if this applies to you.

Will my extended healthcare cover osteopathic treatment?

Some insurance companies do offer osteopathic coverage, but it depends on your plan.
Upon payment, a receipt will be issued to you that can then be submitted to your insurance.

Do I need a referral from my doctor?

No referral is necessary. Should anything arise in an initial intake session or subsequent follow up that is of medical concern to me, I will ask that you check in with your doctor before administering further treatment.

What should I wear to my appointment?

Wear whatever you feel most comfortable in as treatment is delivered fully clothed. Simply make sure that your clothes are non restricting, to facilitate ease of movement during the session, i.e. shorts, sweat / yoga pants or leggings and a t-shirt / undershirt. Please avoid tight jeans or skirts/dresses.
You will be taking your shoes off. Please ensure that you are wearing socks or
stockings, or plan to bring a pair of socks with you.

How do I prepare for an Osteopathic treatment?

If applicable, please being results from MRI, CT, X-ray or other medical reports. If you have notes from referring caregivers (physician, physiotherapist,
chiropractor, athletic therapist, OT, etc.) please bring those as well.

Does treatment hurt?

Assessment and treatment is very gentle and should be pain free. Prepare to be surprised at how subtle it might feel, while being effective in easing discomfort and having you feeling better than when you came in.

How quickly will I recover with Osteopathic treatment?

This is difficult to predict as it depends on the presenting complaint, its severity, duration and complications. We, as living human beings, are far too complex organisms for a “one shoe fits all” answer to the question. You might suffer from the same condition as someone else, but respond totally different to treatment. However, this being said, many people begin to notice results after one or two treatments while others may take longer. Each individual’s journey is unique.

How frequently do I need to be treated?

This again is evaluated on an individual basis, depending upon the condition, the age of the patient and the depth of the treatment. It is not uncommon to see a
patient every one to two weeks for a couple of visits and then every four to six weeks as they are improving.

What is the difference between Osteopathy vs. Physiotherapy or Chiropractic?

All three rehabilitative disciplines can be effective in helping to resolve your body aches, pains and injuries. Your physiotherapist, chiropractor and osteopath will all spend time analyzing your movements and utilizing hands-on care to clear restrictions in the body.

What sets osteopathy apart from the others is that the osteopathic practitioner considers the body with all its components (ligaments, tendons, fascia, muscle, bones, viscera, blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves) as one, whole unit.
Osteopathic manual practice aims to find the root cause of your complaint rather than just treating its signs or symptoms.

Will a manual Osteopath crack my back / joints?

Unlike a chiropractor, a manual osteopaths in Canada is legally not allowed to apply HVLA (high velocity low amplitude) techniques to mobilize a joint. He or she uses only gentle mobilization techniques that can indeed result in an audible ‘crack’ or ‘pop’ of a joint, but it’s never the intention.

What does an Osteopathic treatment feel like?

It depends on the type and style of treatment provided; generally people feel a light, gentle pressure that does not create any pain. Most people feel great relaxation and a sense of peace. Some report feeling heat, and various sensations such as tingling, or movement of subtle energy or random pulse-like sensations. Many people report feeling relaxed and peaceful for several days after a treatment. As long as you are not experiencing pain during the treatment, we are less concerned with what you feel during the treatment, and more concerned with the results and how you feel for days and weeks after the treatment.